What could be more tacky than dog poop on your lawn?

A sign with a dog pooping that you put in your lawn. I'm sure this is a lovely sight to see each morning. I bet the Home Owners Association will have nothing to say about it.
And speaking of poop (because what says the holidays better than poop?) here's a charming gift for that special someone in the office.

It poops paperclips, combining all that is sophomoric and unprofessional in one convenient desk item.
Looking for nostalgia? How about a gift that will remind you of those childhood days where you trapped unsuspecting bugs in an old jar and most likely left them to die on your dresser. Yep, just let these little babies blink on and off in their pathetic attempts to gain freedom. Plus, your loved ones will know that you spent actual money on this gift--which is worth approximately an old jar and some bugs.

This Granny sling shot would be a great gift for, um, uh, Grandpa, after Grandma runs off with Enrique, the poolboy.

How about a matching set of hats that look like sharks are eating your head? Junior will need therapy after this gift. For many reasons.

A lot of the items we sell here in America have the made in China label stamped on them. I often wonder what the factory workers in China think of the items they assemble.
"What are we working on today, Shang?"
Shang picks up a glowing solar frog and shrugs. "Maybe it is to warn against nuclear fall-out."

And lastly, what is a better way to impress upon friends and loved ones that you are totally not a psychopathic serial killer--than to hang a human brain ornament on your Christmas tree? Don't ask what happened to Dinky, Santa's missing elf.

If you want a good gift instead--try a book. In fact try one of mine. They're all good. And, as a special Christmas offer, my ebook Blue Eyes and Other Teenage Hazards will be available on Amazon for .99. This price will only last for a couple of weeks. (Or longer if I forget to change it back.)

Merry Christmas everyone!
And I never even heard of Blue eyes and Other Teenage Hazards! I must go check that out!
It's a rewrite of my first (and not very well-written) book Deep Blue Eyes and Other Lies. It was nice to be able to improve it and put it up as an eBook.
Okay, this sounds crazy I know....but, where did you find the Brain Ornament? I'm having a one year anniversary party for my husband who suffered a brain aneurysm a year ago and thought this would be perfect.
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