
Monday, April 30, 2012

Book Signings

My first book signing happened a few months after I'd given birth to 13 pounds of twins. So beforehand, I went shopping to find a magical dress that would hide the fact that I still looked like I was carrying around an undisclosed child in my stomach.

I still remember the sales clerk's reaction when I told her about the event.  She looked at me dreamily and said, "I've always wanted to do a book signing."

I've thought about that statement several times over the years. During some signings, I wish I'd taken her name and number and hired her to do mine for me.

Because yes, some of them really are that bad.  Once only one person walked into the bookstore during the entire signing. (On the bright side, I did sell him a book, so in that regard it was my only 100% successful signing.)  Another time the bookstore obviously forgot I was coming. They'd done no advertising and just set me up in a chair in the corner of the store and ignored me. And I'll never forget the time I brought a pen with golden ink so my signature would be distinctive. It was distinctive all right. It leaked all over the books.

If you have a bucket list with Do a Book Signing written on it, let me save you some trouble. Choose a store, set up a table, and sit there for an hour or two while people rush by you avoiding eye contact. Then cross book signing right off your bucket list.

That said, I'll be doing two book signings in the next week. Yes, actually I am a glutton for punishment, why do you ask? (No, I'm just joking about that. Both places I'm signing are awesome, or trust me, I wouldn't have agreed to it.)

Utah friends:

Friday, May 4th 5:00-6:30 p.m.
The Provo Marriott Hotel
101 West 100 North
 Provo, Utah 84601

A ton of other authors will be there too. Literally, a ton. Although none as wonderful as me, so don't you dare go stand in their lines first. Just saying . . .

Arizona  friends:

Monday, May 7th at 7:00
Changing Hands Bookstore
6428 S McClintock Dr.
Tempe, AZ 85283

Authors Shelley Coriell and Amy Dominy will also be there. Changing Hands is promoting us as Funny Girlz, so one of us should do something amusing. I'm voting for Shelley, because she's a new author and therefore should be subjected to hazing.


Jeanna said...

How about Maryland next (because it's just so darn close to Arizona)! I'll totally stand in your line. Then I'll walk away and come back in a different hat a few minutes later. And then again a few minutes later... You'll end up wondering if everyone in Maryland looks vaguely similar, but you'll sign lots of books!

CJ Hill said...

Actually, I love going to the DC area. That's where my sister lives. I go every two or three years just so I can embarrass my nephews and niece at their school. Maybe I'll have go next year. I'll expect to see you in your hats!

Aubrey said...

I always feel bad when I'm that avoid the author people say at Costco, but I feel HORRIBLE not buying the book because I have such high respect for authors. I just can't afford to buy them all. But I'd never ignore you Janette! And that's not just because you know who I am, and I can't get away with it. Your books rock!

Donna K. Weaver said...

I've heard this before and the idea is as scary to me as querying has been.

CJ Hill said...

Aubrey,Yeah, I feel bad walking by authors doing signings too. This is probably one of the reasons I have way too many unread books.

Donna, when you have your first book signing, make sure you let everyone on the planet that you've ever done anything for know that you expect them to show up. Keep track of all those Pampered Chef parties you've been to.