Those of you who are faithful followers of this blog know that I have a thing for dolls. I was clearly doll-deprived as a child and have therefore made up for it by buying enough for three childhoods now. Dolls sit around my house perched in cabinets and on my dresser (and according to one of my daughters watch us in a creepy manner).
The thing I love about dolls though is that they are like clean, obedient little children. A beautiful doll embodies all the tender, precious things about motherhood.
With that in mind, you would think that people who are creating baby dolls would make tender, precious dolls--and usually they do. If you look on ebay right now under "reborn dolls" you'll find hundreds of gorgeous, one of a kind dolls. Here are a couple of good examples of reborn dolls.
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.
Unfortunately not all dolls or doll artists live up to these high standards. When I saw the next dolls listed, I didn't really get that "warm" and "precious" vibe. They seemed to be saying something altogether different.
This doll is saying, "Get that @#$*& camera out of my face!" Either that, or he ate something that didn't agree with him. Either way, this isn't a motherhood moment I'd want to pay money for.
The description for this doll said, "So lifelike!" Yeah, only if in real life your kids are ugly. If so, sorry, that hat isn't going to make junior's life any better.

This doll clearly just received terrible news. Did someone cancel Sesame Street?
The next doll says, well, your baby isn't all that bright. You don't need to set up that trust fund for Harvard quite yet.

This doll says start saving for that Harvard trust fund right away, because junior can already tell he's smarter than you. As soon as he's able to reach the keyboard he'll be sending out advertisements for parents more to his liking. And by the way, you're out of Grey Poupon again.

And his sister doesn't think much of you either.
Okay, this next doll isn't a reborn doll. It's just a regular doll. I'm adding it because I think my daughter might be right about this one. He is watching you in a creepy manner. (*shivers*)
And this is his future girlfriend.
You see this doll and wonder what has been put in his bottle, because he seems to suffering from a hangover.

Okay, this next doll isn't a reborn doll. It's just a regular doll. I'm adding it because I think my daughter might be right about this one. He is watching you in a creepy manner. (*shivers*)
If you want to see the links for my past doll wrecks blogs they're:
"this isn't a motherhood moment I'd want to pay money for."
Um. Yeah.
Some of those were the stuff horror movies are made of. lol
So true. Some doll are really ugly. Who would want a ugly doll. I have a few dolls in my collection, but they are exquisite and hand picked. They are lovely dress and their curls shine under their hats. I don't do ugly.
Anna del C. Dye
for clean tales of Elfs & Romance
Hahaha! I'm sitting here with my two daughters-in-law and the room is filled with choruses of ewwww! Agh! Why would they do something like that! Too funny.
Donna, my kids just watched a Dr. Who that had angel statues who were really evil aliens. Because of this, my angel statue has been making the rounds around the house and is currently hiding in my son's covers waiting to freak him out.
Anna, I'm with you, my dolls are all darling.
Penny, I can only assume doll makers make those sorts of dolls for me to laugh at.
The ugly dolls remind me of how creepy I find clown dolls. Enough to keep me awake at night that's for sure. Too funny Janette!
So funny! Put a cowboy hat on the last one and he could be Woody.
Oh, hey, you're right. Makes you wonder about Woody.
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